City routes

+34 659 268 321

Monday to Sunday 10.00am – 8.00pm

Visit to Burgos Cathedral for Groups

Visit to Burgos Cathedral for Groups

"Nations astonishment, mockery of winds and centuries". This jewel of Gothic Art was likewise defined by José Zorrilla, founded by king Fernando III "the Saint" and by the bishop Don Mauricio in 1221. Its interior is a brilliant demonstration of eight centuries of...

Visit to Miraflores Charterhouse

Visit to Miraflores Charterhouse

Major art construction from the 15th century, which is also the demonstration of a queen's power: Isabel "The Catholic". Its interior shelters her parents' tombs, Juan the II and Isabel of Portugal, together with her brother's, infant Alfonso, the three of them made...

Visit to The Abbey of Santa Maria la Real de las Huelgas

Visit to The Abbey of Santa Maria la Real de las Huelgas

It is the very emblematic monastery from the city of Burgos, founded by the King Alfonso the VIII from Castile in 1187, to shelter the royal pantheon. Its interior is inhabited by a community of Cistercian monks who fervently custody the "Museum of Medieval Fabrics",...

Human Evolution Museum (MEH) Tour for Groups

Human Evolution Museum (MEH) Tour for Groups

The MEH is a modern museum centre that contains not only the findings of Atapuerca archaeological site, but also those of the scientific disciplines that play a part and the interpretations and scientific theories that the archaeological findings have given rise to....

Visit to the monastery of St. Pedro de Cardeña

Visit to the monastery of St. Pedro de Cardeña

10 kilometres away from Burgos city centre a monastery is located, currently inhabited by Cistercians monks of the Strict Observance Order, also known as “Trappists”. The monastery dates back to the visigothic era and it was inhabited by Benedictine monks. The...

Visit to St. Nicholas of Bari’s Church

Visit to St. Nicholas of Bari’s Church

It was built in the early 15th century, in the same location where there previously was a Romanic temple. Its interior keeps a superb altarpiece from the early 16th century, made by Francisco de Colonia, as well as an important tapestry collection and a...

Visit to St. Gil’s Church

Visit to St. Gil’s Church

Known as the “second cathedral”, it has inside several burial chapels of great relevance, made by the greatest architects and sculptors that worked in Burgos in the 15th and 16th centuries. This church shelters the image of the Burgos ‘Holy Christ’, also called the...

Visit to St. Esteban’s Church

Visit to St. Esteban’s Church

It is located in the castle hillside and it was built within the 13th and 14th centuries. Inside the Altarpiece Museum can be found, where Renaissance and Baroque altarpieces from several municipalities within the Burgos diocese can be admired.

Provincial Museum Tour

Provincial Museum Tour

Miranda’s House and Iñigo Angulo’s House, two beautiful Renaissance palaces, are the headquarters of an important collection of artworks which, because of their origins or destination, are exclusively connected to Burgos and show the historical evolution of the...