Burgos Indian Tour

Duration:1h 00m



Between 1493 and 1524, Juan Rodriguez de Fonseca was a counsellor of the King and Queen for American affairs. The new discoveries that had been made since the second trip of Colon until the first travel around the world expanded not only the known world, but also the possibilities of Castile and its people. In Burgos, head of this Kingdom which had just incorporated territories on the other side of the Atlantic, a power group was consolidated around Fonseca. Many decisions that took place during three transcendental decades for the history of humankind were taken in our town, in locations that today are part of our daily landscapes, which we consider ordinary, but become doors towards unsuspected, marvellous and surprising worlds when we travel back in history. These worlds screen from the past and walk towards the best possible future.

+34 659 268 321

Monday to Sunday 10.00am – 8.00pm